Cloud Biz News Are you Scared of Cloud Computing? After reading one of my posts about cloud computing in another blog of mine, someone… February 23, 2012 Ivan Widjaya
Cloud Biz News Cloud Computing for Location Independence The future of databases belongs to the phenomenon of cloud computing. It is starting to… February 22, 2012 Ivan Widjaya
Cloud Biz Reviews Go Private Cloud? HP CloudSystem Matrix can Help you There is a hot trend right now in cloud computing: Businesses are starting to realize… February 21, 2012 Ivan Widjaya
Cloud Biz News Cloud M&A: Expansion and Growth Creates Rapid Acquisitions Any nascent industry sees the rapid pace of mergers and acquisitions go with almost reckless… February 20, 2012 Ivan Widjaya
Cloud Biz News Zynga goes Hybrid Cloud with its zCloud (Goodbye, AWS!) Zynga, one of the leading social games networks, decides to go hybrid cloud by leaving… February 16, 2012 Ivan Widjaya
Cloud Biz Reviews Ninja Blocks (and Ninja Cloud) connect your Life with the Cloud Typically, cloud apps and solutions allow you to take your digital life to the cloud… February 15, 2012 Ivan Widjaya
Cloud Biz News RIM launched BlackBerry Business Cloud Services for Microsoft Office 365 If you are using BlackBerry for business purposes, you might have already knew that connectivity… February 14, 2012 Ivan Widjaya
Cloud Biz Reviews Backend as a Service (BaaS): Kinvey Review With a host of “as-a-services” in cloud computing business, why is the need to add… February 13, 2012 Ivan Widjaya
Cloud Biz News Capitalizing on the Cloud – a case for Capital Markets The Clouds usually make for turbulent flights and hamper perspective overall, but in many applications… February 10, 2012 Ivan Widjaya
Cloud Biz News Google Drive is ready to Launch: Is it any good? Despite being late entering the cloud storage business, Google says it’s not too late to… February 9, 2012 Ivan Widjaya
Cloud Biz News How to Start a Cloud Business with VMware VCIM Starting a cloud business is not that difficult after all. Just ask Matthew Lodge, VMware’s… February 8, 2012 Ivan Widjaya
Cloud Biz News Can European-based Cloud Providers be Successful in the US Market? How many cloud computing companies can you name offhand? Five? Ten? Maybe even twenty? Do… February 7, 2012 Ivan Widjaya