3 Key Steps to Building a Secure Company Website

So your brilliant idea has gone from just that, an idea, to a solid business plan that’s ready to go. For the last couple of months you have done nothing but think about how this idea could turn into something excellent. You have gone through the possible difficulties, but the business idea you have is very solid and can stand as a standalone company.

You moved on to the business plan and laid out every single detail. The business plan is not just a small outline, but you have built out all the pieces to make sure your new business, and company, can grow successfully. If that’s the case, your next step may be to start a company website.

Company website security measures

Now, one major concern that you should be aware of is cyber security.  In essence, building a company website is one thing, but securing it is another thing.  Many businesses focus on the former but neglect the latter.  What gives?

Perhaps what’s important to them is what’s seen by the eyes. But, just like any other thing in life, what’s not seen by the eyes will most likely to give you headaches. In term of website building, cyber security is often neglected.  Not providing adequate protection to your business website will potentially ‘disrupt’ your business – in a negative way.

But how bad can it be? Well, consider this: Did you know that 43 percent of cyber attacks are on small business?  What would be the main reasons, do you think? Well, let me tell you something: It’s because many small business owners don’t realize that cyber attack would be destructive.  Therefore, attack preventions are limited, even non-existent on some small businesses.

Three steps to creating a cloud-secured company website

Cloud-secured website

1. Cover the basics

Craft your brand

If you are going create a new company and want to have a company website, one of the key steps is to make sure your branding is complete and aligned. Once you have set with a logo, colors, and general branding, then you can move ahead with your company website. Your website’s look and feel have to go along with the branding of your company, so that’s why it’s key to have your branding done before you start your website.

Pick a domain name

The next step is to pick a domain. You need to buy a domain to register it as your company website. Head to the many online services, or even use these Groupon Coupons for Namecheap, and pick out your company’s URL. It’ll stay with you for a long time so pick one that you love!

Design and develop the website

The next key step to design and develop the website. You can use services that have templates, and make it simple to get your website up and running. Designing your website can be fun and it should be! Like we mentioned, the branding dictates the overall color, design, and feel of your website. At the same time, you have a lot of room for creativity and expression. At the end of the day it is your own company website so make sure it is personal, you like it, and it makes you as the owner very proud!

2. Host on secure cloud hosting

Today, essentially all web servers are located in the cloud.  However, not all use the best practices in securing hosted data and websites.  That said, it’s better for you to focus true cloud hosting providers: Fully secured, scalable, customizable, and distributed.

Read this for knowing the difference between true cloud hosting and “fake” cloud hosting.

3. Screen your website’s incoming traffic in the cloud

Not only securing your website’s hosted data, but you should also securing the traffic that comes to your website from the “cloud”. Using CDNs like Google Cloud CDN, Cloudflare, Incapsula, MaxCDN, and other top CDN providers can boost your website’s security and speed.


It’s about time that small businesses should focus on both the frontend and backend of their websites.  While branding and design are important, those are rendered useless if you’ve got hacked – just ask these victims.

That said, securing the backend of your company website is very important; don’t let your business becomes yet another statistic.

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